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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tirin' but still kickin'

It was tiring. I mean I'm exhausted. Lots of things need to do. However, I had fun especially in Math class where Rony and John had a 'singing battle', if you know what I mean. It was all laugh all the time. After class, I tried to install something to the computer in Computer Lab but it failed because the keygens are not working. URGH!! And it rained during my way home. A bad Wednesday for me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beware. Be aware. Earth needs care.

The 4.6 billion-year-old Earth is a palpitating mother. Earth showcased it's beauty for billions of years all and nothing can top it. However, the beautiful pearl is decaying in a fast rate. It's getting dark and dirty.
A part in America where forest was totally vanished for construction.
 As you can see the left photo, A forest with lots of trees was completely vanished from our eyes and replaced with these human constructions. With only 1.3% of natural forest left in the whole world, it's hard to imagine how devastating for us to see these kind of situations. As a basic knowledge for everyone, forest are the habitat of animals and other living things. They help our environment. They're part of Earth's grace and beauty. However, the human stupidity to improve its technology and economy making things worst.

For the last 200 years since industrial revolution started, people try to make their lives easier. Factories were built. Technology is boosting every year. However, the down side of these is that as they make things easy for humans, they're choking the Mother nature. As a result, the human were punished by the unleashed force and destruction of the nature.
Automobiles producing and releasing CO2 to the atmosphere makes the air polluted and makes some people sick. Making the atmosphere hot, the glaciers from the Antarctica and Arctic crushed down, melting to ice and adding the sea level of Earth making some islands buried under the ocean. Climate change made the number of typhoons and tornadoes in Western part of the world increase.

When you do something you know will make things bad, those bad things will go back to you. If we just stop making stupid moves, everything will be fine. Because of this, now we are having problem how to solve all these problems about the Earth. Beware of the consequences, be aware what's happening, Earth needs care.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Great Monday but off from the court

It was a great Monday. Everybody is smilin'. However, we don't have practice today due to very low attendance. Only three players will show up so the coach cancelled. It was kinda suck because I want to practice but I need to go home early. We've got practice tomorrow and we're just a couple of weeks away from our first matchup. We can do this.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Have to have the heart

Today, the basketball team watched a 1980s team titled 'Hoosiers'. It's about how a team who is only composed of 6-7 players able to win games under the control of a coach with an orthodox style of coaching. We need to reflect of the message of the movie and write our realizations before and after the movie. We need to have the heart to win games and discipline ourselves on or off the court. Then, Tim, Renzo and I played basketball at our area. It was tiring but fun because we really miss playing the game.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tiring to start a post

Hi, I'm Rico and I'd like to make reflections on my experience in our basketball practices and games. I'm a player of MITIS Basketball Team, dubbed as the Tigers. Today, we had very grueling and back-breaking practice. We drained sweat all over the floor and our shirts are soaked. However, it was an another good practice for us. Even we can't finish the lay-ups in fast breaks, it's still a good practice. It's already three weeks since we're doing these things and I'm really happy to see the team where I belong is getting better and better. Our first game is coming and we need kick some ass off.